
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ku Sudah Jatuh Hati....

about PERFUME nie....aku takde ler fanatik sangat sampai every month nak membeli 1 or siap buat collection least once a year tu..INSYA ALLAH aku beli or bila perfume dah habis kering kontang....bukan murah wei.....mahal harga ratus2 gitewwww...........tak termampu ler kan nak up stok every month or buat collection.  Tp kadang2 tu terjebak gark membeli....tu pun bila my laling hubby I belanja....nak keluar duit sendiri beli perfume harga mahal2 tak tergamak plak.  Wah gitewwww

Tp serius...once try bau FLORA by GUCCI nie terus aku jatuhhh chenta pandang pertama gitewww........WANGIII and SOFT giler bau dia.................aku nie jenis kalau beli perfume suka bau yg FRESH2 jer...b4 nie pakai ROMANCE by RALPH LAUREN or  BE DELICOUS by DKNY. Bau fresh giler sampai stok rasa nak geget2 tangan sendiri.....ha ha ha ...over di situ.

Flora Perfume by Gucci, Inspired by the iconic gucci scarf , this is a light hearted and young spirted floral fragrance for women. Top notes include citruses and peony, the heart is a gorgeous bouquet of rose and osmanthus. Base notes are patchouli and sandalwood. This frargance is the second under the creative supervision of gucci's creative director frida giannini.

berapa erk harga pasaran sekarang utk Flora by Gucci nie.....? terlupa nak survey harga plak...


norhidana said...

wah... bt aku terpikat lak...
best ek bau nyer... aku jenis suke gk yg bau fresh2 n bau cam sweet gitu... mcm sblum ni aku pakai paris hilton..
betul gk tu zana,bkn blh beli selalu pefum nih mahai... aku pun beli mmg pakai lama terus jimat...

rasp said...

shud buy skarang sis...
christmas sale utk perfume mesti best...
mcm2 promo slalunya dorang offer...

Cik Nurul Pinky said...

wah lepas ni boleh cari ni hehehehe...akak dah try paris hilton?? sedap giler bauanya..

Sidratul Muntaha said...

aku lama dah tak beli minyak wangi
tgh concentrate nak repair muka nih!

mysha said...

waHHH... pe Lagi KaK!! aNgKAT la satu kak... ekekeke

☆ lieya latif ☆ said...

eh baik ko beli skrang zana...tgh mega sale plus krismas sale ni...aku tgk kat alamanda mmg sale perfume2ni.....baik ko beli skrang (mood aku : meracun bini hemlin sambil kuar tanduk haahahahah)

attyfir said...

sama ler ngn kty nak beli minyak wangi mahal2 idak mampu teman.

LyNn HaMzAh said...

dah lama rasanya x beli perfume yang mahal2 nie...kak lynn skrg suka beli perfume body shop jer...

Dee said...

org ckp kena beli time christmas zana..ada promo..

Redbloodsnow said...

bau flora mmg sedap giler wooo. one of my friend pakai perfume nih :) paris hilton nyer perfume lg sedap...ailikee!

Sham Ummi Echa said...

mmg sdp bau gucci nih. aku pon suka sgt. dah brapa lama menanam niat nk bli. tp tu la mahal nak mamp... aku ni kalo nk beli, nk bli yg sz besar terus. baru brbaloi. tp tu lah dia kan.. hrganya tu aku x tahan plak. bajet pon x brapa nk ada nih. tp kalo ada bajet, skang la time yg baik utk bli. coz tgh promotion xmas ni kan. bes giler set2 dia. aku tgk kat sogo hmpir trgugat dah iman aku. rasa nk bli terus dah. sib baik sedar diri lg. hahaha